You bring us your brand We bring you the profit.

We have spent 100s of millions of our money (profitably) before we started managing anyone else’s.

We were first affiliates and brand owners before an agency, so we understand making offers work.

The founders of SymphonyAgency have ran both lead generation and ecommerce offers to multiple million-dollar profits across Facebook, Google, Native ads and anywhere else a user can click.

As competitive perfectionists

We have chosen to focus our media buying skills where we feel we are absolutely best in class

We won’t run Facebook, or google as there are tons of amazing agencies for this and we prefer to specialize

We focus only on native ads and our new edition TIkTok ads

We are one of best in the world at natives and one of the few agencies that even has access to tik tok accounts

Our founders

Certified Partners

Our guiding principles

How we do it

Want to see how we think a bit?

Taboola Sponsored Training

Interview By Outbrain